why did God create Woman?

Who is WOMAN?

The Oxford dictionary defines a woman as a “female human being”.

In biblical terms, Adam gave term “woman” to Eve because “she was taken out of man”. A woman like a man is made in the image of God.

To any woman reading this right now, do you know what your role and purpose is as a woman? Do you know why there’s even woman? Do you find there to be a shortage of femininity in these modern times? 

Please put your comments below I would love to read.

femininity in schools

I would admit I didn’t know the exact purpose of woman was -apart from the obvious “baby-making” of course. That was because, even in our schools and society, only the attributes that encompass the masculine or the man was seen as worthwhile and appreciated. Eg. being strong, rational, a go-getter, leadership, competitiveness.

While, qualities that make up the feminine such as being soft spoken and nurturing were seen as weakness- and if you were to exhibit any of those qualities, you were easily trampled upon, especially as a woman. So you had to become more masculine in order to survive in this tough world. But should that really be the case?  Let’s get to it.

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My Story

I used to be a very calm, girly girl and a bit docile but that was until I learnt that being masculine is what you SHOULD be especially as a woman, since it was easy to be taken advantage of. I indulged more into my masculine with my “ I am an independent strong black woman” and ” I can do it all attitude”  and started to feel like men were “useless”. I thought whatever a man could do, I could do better. This was further motivated by “female empowerment songs” such as run the world (girls) and me literally topping almost every guy back in school. I also started to disagree with God’s decision of making men the leaders. This was the mindset of young, 14- year-old Angel.

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Role of feminism

Women especially in the olden days have been seen as “second class human”  and “inferior to men”, reduced to just a womb, baby making machine or sex object.

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As we all know, this led to the rise of feminism where women wanted equal rights (as we should) but even more extremist movements arose were women wanted to do away with men altogether. But is this the way to go about it? Is this how God ordained it?

And just because we have EQUAL RIGHTS, does that mean we have EQUAL ROLES?

Creation of woman

So in the beginning, God took Eve from Adam’s rib from his side because He wanted her to be his EQUAL- to be side by side with him (Genesis 2:21). He didn’t take a piece of skull, denoting that she was the head of man neither did He take a bone from her foot denoting her lower status compared to the man but from his SIDE.

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God made both men and woman from His image (Genesis 1:27), to complement each other . Men more masculine, women are more feminine and none is lower than the other.  He did not make masculine and feminine to be clashing or competing against each other but we are to complement each other- and because of this, we all have different roles to play. 

(watch Youtube video below for a further breakdown of the masculine and feminine)

Despite this, the femininity of women all through the years has been seen as a weakness so most women now do not know how to be feminine anymore.

Including me.

And since being feminine corresponds with being a woman so much, a lot of women feel like they do not know how to be a woman (however being feminine isn’t everything- more on this below).

reasons for the loss of femininity

There are various reasons for the loss of femininity;

Absent fathers
  • Absent fathers, which lead to the mothers having to do the masculine fatherly roles and daughters imitating their mothers to protect themselves. And this happened with me too especially since I wanted to help my mum carry the burden from the lack of a father.
Schools do not really indulge in feminine roles for girls.
  • Schools do not really indulge in feminine roles for girls. Unless you are doing masculine roles like been goal driven and assertive, it didn’t count. People who did subjects such as catering were looked down upon compared to lets say maths (this is not to be stereotypical)
  • Even I looked down on catering thinking of it to be “beneath me”.
  • Women have a more creative brain but schools do not take advantage of our strengths and lump us together with everyone else.
Men aren't masculine anymore.
  • Men aren’t masculine anymore, which could be because they didn’t have a masculine father figure to look up to etc.  So they would not know how to be a man and would take the feminine attributes from their mother. Therefore their woman would have to become the man or the leader and cannot rest in their feminine with him.
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femininity isn't everything a woman is

  • Even though femininity is a major part of what makes a woman a woman, it is not everything a woman is. Yes God wants us to rest in our femininity that is why He made us feminine however, we should not make being feminine our entire identity and everything we strive for.  Instead we should strive for our identity in Christ  and everything else would be added unto us.
However, it is time to reclaim what is lost ! REPEAT AFTER ME;
  • Being a woman isn’t a weakness
  • Being feminine isn’t a weakness
  • Being soft isn’t a weakness
  • Being nurturing isn’t a weakness
  • Being passive isn’t a weakness
  • Being VULNERABLE isn’t a weakness.
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Summary of the roles(s) of a woman

1.  A woman is a nurturer – This is why mother’s day is so celebrated. When someone remembers their childhood, it’s usually what their mother did, the food their mum cooked etc. Of course the fathers are also important but now is the mothers’ time to shine (lol)

2. A woman is a caretaker– They take care of their children, their husbands and also themselves (especially as men are very visual); A woman also makes a house into a home with just her feminine presence and creative brain. Don’t believe me? Log into Instagram right now and compare the creativity and aesthetic of the feeds of most men to the women and you would understand.

3. A woman is a helper and support to the man– Especially in terms of emotional support for men and the community. A women is a safe resting place for a man to be more vulnerable- especially in a society where a man is seen as “less than” when he shows emotions or cries.

4. A woman provides motivation– Hence the main reason why when most men make it in life, they always say they couldn’t have got there without their wife. SHE pushes him to make it. Especially since the woman has to consider her offspring and make sure they are safe and have a stable household and to do that she has to motivate the man (of course not just any guy with potential but a man who is already on his grind) But just with the presence of a woman, he goes from 50-100% more successful.

5. Company– When Adam was alone with the animals in the garden, God saw that he was lonely so He made the woman so he can have a companion. hence how the fist pick line came about. “bone of my bone, flesh of my flesh”- Adam (Genesis 2:23)

what does god say about women?

God says women are a good thing.

God says women are more precious than rubies and gold.

She will NOT fall.

A woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.

Some women in the Bible who made a positive impact

  • Rahab
  • Deborah
  • Ruth
  • Elizabeth
  • Esther
  • Mary, mother of Jesus
  • Mary Magdalene
  • Hannah

Proverbs 3:15

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I am Angel Marfo, a 24 year old woman with a degree in Medical Physiology from the University of Nottingham. However I found a passion with content creation back in January this year and thats all I want to do now.
I like to Inspire people especially women, with their Mindset, Fashion and Lifestyle- God's Way.
My UGC Portfolio contains various videos that show my content creation journey. They include various niches such as lifestyle, travel, fashion and beauty

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