Angel Marfo
Do you want to know how to break soul ties according to the Bible? You are at the right place.
Understanding Soul Ties in Biblical Context
Soul ties on its own are not mentioned in the Bible however, its concept can be understood within scripture. This is my definition of sexual soul ties- The intertwining of two people as one, through sexual relations.
In this article, we speak on how to break soul ties according to the bible. Those ties are breaking today in Jesus name!
Sex binds two as one.
Sexual Bonding
Sex was made by God to bind a husband and wife in a very close way, unlike any other relationship. He did this to signify the bond between Christ and His church as one. This is why soul ties can only be broken with the Bible, with God, the Word of God
When you have sex with someone, it is definitely not just physical. You become one with the person emotionally, mentally and even spiritually. This is because human beings are not only one dimensional physical beings. You even start to emulate personality traits of the person and whatever demons they may have, becomes yours too.
We call these sexually transmitted demons. “STD’s” are definitely not just diseases.
However, you can have emotional ties with friends too especially, when you come to really depend on them. It happened to me before and even though the friendship was one sided and toxic, it was hard to break
Misconceptions on Sex
How to remove soul ties
Just because you wear condoms, doesn’t mean you prevent a soul tie. Especially in this age of hook up culture, it can be extremely dreadful and dangerous.
That is why sometimes, it seems like people have multiple personalities. This is because of the different energies they allow into their body from different people, so their bodies do not know what to do with it. Also that’s why people keep getting into relationships with the same kind of people but with a different face or name.
When you are unable to get over that one person because of the soul tie you have with that person, you just go for another person with similar traits- and the toxic cycle continues.
Reasons NOT to have casual sex and prevent soul ties
These are examples of women who had sex with their boyfriends before marriage, and acquired an ungodly soul tie.
From their stories, they desperately want to break that hold and bond their ex has over them. And yes even Christians can fall into sin and temptation and acquire an ungodly soul tie. This is why we are going to learn how to break soul ties according to the Bible today. It is never too late.
You are still alive, you are reading this and therefore there is still a chance. Come back to God and He will forgive you and deliver you. However after He breaks that soul tie, do not take God for granted and go back to doing the same thing again. At that point, you are only hurting God and yourself.
Learning how to break soul ties according to the Bible is crucial in releasing these unhealthy bonds. These ties often lead to emotional distress and hinder spiritual growth. But by understanding how to break soul ties with the Bible, individuals can find freedom from these entanglements.
1. No one deserves your body unless they have made a vow before God and man
No one deserves your body until they have have made a vow before God, and you have been been given, TWO rings (marriage).
You are more precious than rubies and gold- despite what you may or may not think. Do not give your body to any undeserving person just to find love because, those short few minutes of sex is NOT what love is. And you are going to keep craving it like a drug, but you will not find the fulfilment you want.
And yes ungodly soul ties can happen even in marriage- especially with someone who does not have a relationship with God. And yes since we talk about how to break soul ties according to the Bible in this article, it can also relate to it. However if you want a more in-depth article on this topic, just put in the comments below and I will make it for you (wink wink)
To read more on Casual sex, click here!
2. Sexually transmitted diseases and pregnancy
There’s nothing casual about sex. It’s physical, mental, spiritual, emotional. You may just see it as casual sex but it’s actually not.
“This is just casual sex so why do I feel so empty inside, why do I feel like something has been stripped away from me?” You would reason. And sometimes girls would be like; ” It was just a one- night stand so why am I still thinking of him?”
Imagine the diseases you could get from all those undeserving men, that may be hidden. Gonorrhoea, AIDS, syphilis, monkey pox etc. Even if you were to use a condom. And these are just the physical so the imagine what is happening with the spiritual because remember, human beings are not just one dimensional physical beings.
In addition, if you become pregnant, it is another life you are destroying. It’s easy to think you are enjoying yourself or “you are doing you”, without thinking of the effects single motherhood or broken homes, have on children. A child deserves to have two parents in the household and coming from a broken home, I can attest to that.
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4. Sex is not just Physical. There's nothing like "Casual Sex".
Sex is not just physical. It’s spiritual, emotional, mental etc. Because a human being isn’t just a physical being. When you have sex with someone, you become joined to the person, in all those ways. And this is also scientific. In a woman for instance, when she has sex with a man, the hormone oxytocin is released, known as the bonding hormone. This binds her to the man and this is why after sex, it is seen a woman becomes more clingy.
And whatever diseases they have, whether it’s physical diseases such as STI’s and mental diseases such as depression and bipolar disorder, it becomes all yours too. That is why you may sleep with someone who has depression and you may not have it but then all of a sudden, you start to feel different and like you are no longer yourself. If you are able to get physical diseases from sleeping with people, then imagine the mental diseases- And then, imagine what happens spiritually.
That’s why the Bible says your body is the temple of God. It is a sacred place and shouldn’t be used for just anyone.
Breaking Ungodly soul ties
When you start to date, only make sure you date those who are equally yoked with, and ask God FOR CONFIRMATION. It is easier to hear God when your relationship gets strong with Him. Only date someone like you who wants to honour God with their minds and bodies in marriage.
there's nothing more beautiful than a woman with christ - she will not fall
How to break soul ties according to the bible.
IT IS NEVER TOO LATE! you are still alive which means it is time for new beginnings. Until God says it’s over, it’s never over. And you being alive attests to it.
1. Seek relationship with God to find yourself
fast and pray
Fast and pray to God. Remember when the disciples couldn’t remove a demon and asked Jesus why, He said this kind can only go out by fasting and prayers. Through sex, demons are passed around and that demon may not want to leave you. Sometimes that is why the soul tie may be so wrong.
That’s why it important to fast and pray. ATTEND DELIVERANCE SERVICES WITH STRONG PASTORS. Get your relationship right with God.
Some girls may get love from their family or friends but they may still be feeling something missing. That missing gap in their heart.
They may think; ” I have it all, I have the money, the family, the friends but it still feels like there’s something missing- There’s a hole in my heart, that feels like it is meant to be filled.” That is GOD.
Breaking ungodly soul ties
That hole in your heart can only be filled by God.
That is why you look everywhere for a love that would complete you but you don’t find it and resort to looking for it in men, sex and drugs. However with God, you are already a complete whole being. You do not need anyone else to complete you. Your partner would only come to compliment you.
How to develop a relationship with God
Just sit in your room quietly and talk to Him. Just say sincerely “Lord I want to find you, I want to seek a relationship with you, I do not want people to use my body like it is nothing. I do not want to be used and discarded. Please help me to learn to know you more.”
And you think God would not come to you? Just use your own words. God understands every language anyway. Pour out your heart to him, all your frustrations, He is ready to listen. Like the Bible says- Ask and you shall receive. Seek and you shall find.
He already sent His Son to die for you, what more can He not do.
You want to find yourself? Find God
How to break soul ties according to the Bible
God can heal you and strengthen you, and He would make everything you have been through, become a thing of the past.
Because when you have the love of God, His love is more than enough. You do not need to seek the attention of others to know you are loved because the love of God is going to literally fill you up.
I for instance, I am 25, never had a boyfriend and sometimes I feel lonely- but I do not feel unloved.
Because I know God loves me and that void in my heart has already been filled.
So I just need somebody to compliment me- at the right time that God would bring him.
2. Celibacy
Start by being celibate, I know, its hard but there’s nothing you cannot do without Gods strength. I will make another blog giving you tips. You need to be celibate to avoid going for that same kind of guy again and having even more energies or spirits or demons. REMEMBER, not every guy/ person deserves you! Your body is the temple of God.
After a breakup, you need to heal. Give yourself time. Better yet, just wait until marriage- Until you meet that man who can give you the ultimate sign of his commitment to you which is marriage. I know it may be scary at first so at the beginning stages, make up your mind you are going to stay celibate for a certain period of time.
And as you are doing this, strengthen your relationship with God. Pray, read your Bible, attend regular church services. You will find out later that you do not need me to coerce you to wait. Therapy would also be very useful during this time.
3. Waiting till marriage
I know for my girls waiting till marriage, people may say you are a prude or old school etc. I know because I have got that a lot myself. “who even wants virgins these days?” But look on the bright side. You are able to avoid the depression that comes with the hoe phase, and also avoid the insecurity, soul ties, STIs etc.
And I am not saying I haven’t been through depression or heartbreak just because I am a virgin. Trust me, I have and it was very painful. But with the help of God, I was able to overcome it. I just want you to know that you cannot choose to wait till marriage without the help of God. Because you cannot do it with your flesh alone.
3. Stay away from "Danger!"
Make sure you do not have sex with that same person again because you are in heat and its not an extra body. He doesn’t deserve you and you are only strengthening the bond, making it harder to leave him!
Don’t try and go as close to the line and remain celibate cos I KNOW A LOT OF PEOPLE would do this. Remember, this is your season to heal. If you went to a zoo and someone told you there’s a crocodile at this point, you would not be like let me see how close I can get to the crocodile and not be eaten. Instead you would flee! (1 Corinthians 6:18)
4. Forgive yourself and those who hurt you so you don't destroy yourself.
That guy that hurt you, that toxic ex, that daddy that wasn’t there for you, those boys that bullied you or didn’t give you attention, whosoever it was, forgive them so that you can heal. Because when you do not forgive someone, it is like drinking poison and expecting someone else to die. So let them go. Because hate is also a feeling you know? When you hate someone, you have them on your mind constantly.
That’s why you have to forgive them- even pray for them! Kill them with kindness basically. Tell yourself ” You do not deserve my hate so I forgive you. You are not worth my hate.” Even pray for them so they repent and come to know God for themselves. Because that is what God wants His children to do.
Also this is very important. FORGIVE YOURSELF. Yes you made a lot of terrible mistakes but leave the past in the past and look to the bright future. Your past does not define you. When you are in Christ, you become a new creation (person) . The old things passes away and everything becomes new (2 Corinthians 5:17).
Therapy allows you to know why you go for guys that aren’t good for you especially based on your attachment style. So you can know what is wrong with you and enable your healing.
6. How to break soul ties according the Bible- Break them once and for all
God is the answer you have been trying to find. You can only find yourself in God.
So that hole in your heart you have been trying to fill; and so you bond to different people, trying the hoe phase, that girl who has been trying to find love so goes on the streets, you do not belong to the streets my girl, COME BACK HOME! Come back to God. God is the only One who can fill the longing in your heart. And He can fill any void in you.
Your womanhood is a pearl, a precious diamond! The undeserving guys are swine because they do not deserve it and therefore do not know it’s value. And since they do not know it’s value, they are only going to trample on it under their feet. The same goes for literal swine, since they do not know how valuable actual pearls are, they are only going to treat them as dirt.
I am Angel Marfo, a 24 year old woman with a degree in Medical Physiology from the University of Nottingham. However I found a passion with content creation back in January this year and thats all I want to do now.
I like to Inspire people especially women, with their Mindset, Fashion and Lifestyle- God's Way.
My UGC Portfolio contains various videos that show my content creation journey. They include various niches such as lifestyle, travel, fashion and beauty
- Angel Marfo
- Angel Marfo
- Angel Marfo
- Angel Marfo